The Story Space Between Physician and Patient
The healthcare mess just seems to be growing into a what appears to be a bigger and bigger train wreck bound to happen, fueled by the ridiculously black-and-whi...
The healthcare mess just seems to be growing into a what appears to be a bigger and bigger train wreck bound to happen, fueled by the ridiculously black-and-whi...
Patient access to their own health care data has snagged center stage for some time. Now there is a movement to make lab tests directly available to patients. S...
The fear of vaccinations for children has been with the U.S. health care system for many years. Indeed, Michael C. Dorf reminds us: “Skepticism of orthodox medi...
Patients should be able to ask their clinics how much a patient visit costs, but patients should also be encourgaged to put the price of a clinic visit in conte...
These days the moniker “evidence-based” has been attached to almost any statement about the practice of medicine and health care reform. Since a goodly number o...