Penalizing Hospitals for Readmissions

I’ve posted to this blog often about the difficulty in measuring quality in health care: RACS and Quality of Care, Novice to Expert, Computers and Language Translation, to name just a few. So it’s really nice to see another blogger dealing with the same issues. A surgeon blogging under the name Skeptical Scalpel, MD, has…

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The only religion that my patients see me practice is medicine

  The only religion that my patients see me practice is medicine Dr. Jennifer Gunter’s article on the KevinMD website does a very good job of clarifying some of the boundary issues physicians face when it comes to various religious beliefs. The notion that physicians should be restrained from discussing the full array of treatment…

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RACs and Quality of Care

I’ve written before on the nonsense of trying to make a recipe card define quality heath care for patients, emphasizing that expert knowledge is not rule-based.  The numerous attempts by various oversight entities to measure “quality” in medical care always involve taking patient symptoms out of context and counting them. Whether it’s the much-touted “standard…

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You’re Not Like Them…

Douglas Farrago on his blog Authentic Medicine often posts letters he receives from other physicians.  A letter from Dr. Scott Miller tells a fascinating story about the kind of boxed-in kind of thinking physicians are subjected to even by the medical boards charged with being able to ascertain whether physicians present a danger to patients….

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The Best Way to Bring Down Health Care Costs

In this Huffington Post article, Justin Graves talks about his experiences with collection agencies, out-of-network physicians, and dentist charges and suggests mandating “transparency” in health care costs would help control what he experienced. Don’t get me wrong. Transparency is a good thing. But transparency already exists in many areas of health care and hardly needs…

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