Why Would Couch Potatoes Read the Book “The Haywire Heart”?

[Exercise] is undeniably the best medicine there is for preventing a host of cardiovascular diseases….Its documented beneficial results would qualify it as a miracle drug if a pharmaceutical company could figure out how to bottle it….Can there be too much of a good thing? Quite possibly…. (p. xxxi)   Chris Case, John Mandola, MD, and…

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NPs and “Full Practice Authority”

WARNING: I have been through one nurse practitioner (NP) firestorm on Facebook about the ideas presented in this post. However, Facebook fails to provide a good stage for discussion of complex issues. So here’s the whole nine yards on the issue “full practice authority” from my perspective. If you have a low tolerance for notions which…

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Moving Mountains: A Socratic Challenge to the Theory and Practice of Population Medicine. Michel Accad, M.D. College Station, Texas: Green Publishing House, LLC, 2017, 127 pp.   On the state of current medical research Dr. Michel Accad has much to say in Moving Mountains, and from my perspective, I would say a very important much….

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Consider the Hashtag #Godgifu

I’ve been giving some thought to how to portray in a twitter-short way the fake news element. A major goal of public relations is to find a nice word to wallpaper over the unnice version so everything sounds better. Or worse, to promote the unnice in the name of nice. This goes beyond logical fallacies….

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MACRA…An Open Letter to Andy Slavitt

I am not a physician, so have no credentials to be telling the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) how to run hospitals, much less physicians how to treat patients. However, as part of a clinic struggling to get reasonable reimbursement for the care we provide, I can speak directly to the issues about…

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